All of the Elements…

Toastmaster of the Evening Stuart got the August 24 meeting of 21 strong off to a rousing start with a round-robin session – 15 seconds each identifying what the phrase ‘conscious living’ meant to them.

The warm-up was quickly followed by a very thought-provoking Table Topics session led by Everton, using the various elements of the weather as a theme.  Seven members were called upon at a moment’s notice to elaborate on the question posed to them, and all came across as if they were experts on rain, mist, snow, forecasting, and of course their favourite season.

The evening then moved on to the prepared speeches segment of the meeting, where there were three speeches delivered.  Alex was first up, giving his Ice Breaker – his first-ever speech at a Toastmasters Club – with confidence and conviction. Angela and Maria followed him with the same level of enthusiasm.  

Concluding the formal evening were four evaluations – one of each speech and one of all 7 Table Topics speakers. With little time to prepare, the evaluator’s role is both rewarding and challenging. Listening is the key.

Alistair, Club President, wrapped up the meeting and concluded with what we were all anxious to hear – as always  – who won ‘Best’ for the evening?

Best Table Topic – Tom Hostetler

Best Evaluator – Tom Hostetler

Best Speaker – Alex Bradley